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Course Presentation

Course Presentation is an H5P content type that is used for creating an interactive slide-based presentation of a learning material. It can be used as an alternative to PowerPoint presentations, PDF, and text-based web pages. The teacher can add multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, text, and other types of interactions to the slides in the presentation.

Below is an interactive example of the Course Presentation content type.

In order to create a Course Presentation content type:

1. Go to your content bank, click the Add button, and choose Course Presentation. Doing so will redirect you to the Course Presentation editor. Click the Enter Fullscreen button on the top-right of the editor to enable fullscreen editing.

Course Presentation: Choosing Course Presentation in the dropdown menu

2. Type the title you want to give to your new Course Presentation content type in the Title field. This will be useful if you want to search for the content later.

Course Presentation: The Title field

3. Move to the Slides editor. Here, you can add elements and interactions to the slides.

Course Presentation: The Slides editor

The top toolbar contains options for the sidebar navigation menu and elements and interactions which you can add to your slides. You can add these following elements:

Course Presentation: The top toolbar

The bottom toolbar allows you to show the sidebar navigation menu and manipulate the slides.

Course Presentation: The bottom toolbar

4. Proceed to use the top and bottom toolbars to add slides and contents to your slides. You can change the title of a slide on the sidebar navigation menu by clicking on the Edit button when you hover over a slide tab.

Course Presentation: Editing a title slide

5. If you are done adding and editing slides, you can proceed to the Behaviour settings section, where you can manipulate how your content will behave.

Course Presentation: Behaviour settings section

6. Click the Save button if you are done editing. It will now be added to your content bank for future use.

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