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An Overview of CodeRunner

About the CodeRunner

CodeRunner is a question-type plugin for Moodle quizzes that can run code submitted by students in answer to a wide range of programming questions in many programming languages. It is primarily used in programming questions commonly found in Computer Science courses.

A CodeRunner quiz cannot be attempted in the Moodle Mobile app because it is not yet supported. If you want to use the CodeRunner for a quiz, use it in a browser and advise your students to attempt it in a web browser.

CodeRunner question types

CodeRunner currently supports the following question types:

  • C function

The C function question type is useful for early C programming teaching where students are expected to submit only a C function.  Refer to Creating a C function question for a guide on how to create a C function question.

  • C program

The C program question type requires the students to submit a complete working C program. Refer to Creating a C program question for a guide on how to create a C function question.

  • Java method

The Java method question type is useful for early Java programming teaching where students are expected to submit only a Java method. Refer to Creating a Java method question for a guide on how to create a Java method question.

  • Java program

The Java program question type requires the students to submit a complete working Java program. Refer to Creating a Java program question for a guide on how to create a Java method question.